Submitting my Third Master's Module Assessment "Professional Midwifery Advocate Preparation" (Part 1)
This module's assessment was split into two, with a workbook and essay required to pass the module and gain the qualification. I didn't think it was going to be hard to do either however when I sat down to look at the workbook, it was a lot of extra work that I hadn't anticipated. I plan to go into a lot more detail in a couple of months, but I essentially had a conversation with the module lead and successfully secured an extension so I have until the end of October.
The other part of the assessment was an essay covering "A Reflection of a Restorative Clinical Supervision", as well as a number of learning outcomes associated. These were:
- Demonstrate a clear understanding of the A-EQUIP model and critically analyse the role of a Professional Midwifery Advocate in relation to midwifery practice
- Critically evaluate the ethical, legal and professional issues that impact upon maternity care and discuss how the provision on clinical supervision can support midwives in their role
- Demonstrate accountability and positive role modelling through reflection on personal learning, leadership, advocacy, autonomous decision-making and active contribution to personal action for quality improvement
As seems to be common with essay writing in this course, the module lead very much breaks down the content and organisation of the essay, with what should be included, starting with what is an RCS session, the EA-EQUIP model and PMA role. It then wanted critical discussion on the legal, ethical and professional issues that impact upon midwives and maternity care. Finally, it wanted a personal refection to discuss the environment, impact, learnings and differences going forward.
I've really enjoyed learning more about the entire PMA system and model in place so once my essay has been marked, I plan to share different aspects of it over here, to both raise awareness and encourage more people to use the support available. I've always been a firm believer that mental health support matters, and that's become stronger still, especially after this year. As a student midwife I advocated for students and now, I want to advocate for midwives, to have the culture change and be one of learning rather than blame. Here's to the future.
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