Senegence SeneDerm Solutions Facial Resurfacer (Review)

Since starting my business as an Independent Distributor of SheerSense, I have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of one of Senegence’s latest products, the Facial Resurfacer. Well it finally came and I quickly snapped up the opportunity to purchase one for myself.

I have absolutely fallen in love with it. I have officially been using it for over a month, every 3 days so about twice a week. I have noticed a remarkable difference in my skin. I think it’s made a real difference to my skin care routine and the healthy appearance of my skin.

When I first used it and washed it off, my face was rather red but very smooth. It definitely acts as a strong face scrub and I love it. The next morning, I noticed I had no visible blackheads on my chin or nose and some of my more inflamed acne spots had been greatly improved.

One unexpected benefit was that my skin appeared much brighter. I seemed much clearer and radiant. That is one of the claims of the product but I hadn’t expected It to do much as it’s more of a claim associated with older skin. But it did! The fact that the product contains the patented SenePlex Complex increases cellular renewal and helps promote faster cell replacement, bringing newer cells to the surface faster. It makes skin firmer and is anti-ageing making it an incredible ingredient in many of Senegence’s skincare and makeup products.

Unlike other face scrubs that have results that wear off, this instead continuously improves the health of your skin. Instead of starting the process again each use, it builds on the progress made in the last and I love it. It’s really improved my acne and I’m finally noticing some reduction in the acne scarring on my cheeks.

As it has now improved my skin so much, I am looking to now purchase the Senegence SeneDerm Solutions Facial Polisher which is a less extreme version of the product. It’s a much gentler scrub that can be used daily once your desired skin surface has been reached. I think I will still continue to use the Resurfacer but less frequently and instead substitute in the Polisher as well.

If you have any questions about the product don’t hesitate to ask away. It is available for purchase through me and my business, Hannah’s Lips UK, so either reach out via any of my social media accounts or email me.

Click here to watch the video of my review or see below!


  1. This was on my wishlist and after this post, I am heading towards check out.
    thanks for this much needed post!!

    1. Aww that’s amazing! Let me know if you want it and I’ll send you an invoice straight away 💋

  2. One of my favourite Senegence products 💋


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