The Anti-Burnout Club (World Mental Health Day 2021)
World Mental Health Day is a chance to talk about mental health in general. It brings to light how we need to look after it, how important it is to talk about things and get help if you are struggling. This year, mental health continues to be at the forefront of many national health policies and with good reason. Taken from the Mental Health Foundation website, research has shown that the people struggling the most are those who were already facing considerable challenges prior to the pandemic. A £2 million Covid Response Programme has been launched this year, to support work with partners to help some of the people who have been hardest hit.
I've spoken about this day multiple times throughout the years, and I've also always tried to be open and honest about my own mental health journey. This year, I'll admit my mental health has actually been possibly at it's lowest. Despite previous experiences - failing medical school for one - instead of short lived moments, this year has been filled with ups and downs. I've struggled through ongoing pandemics and isolations, not being able to see friends and family as much, and most of all being a newly qualified midwife at a time when we face increasing pressures and are continually short staffed. Maternity is at a crisis point and so are many midwives.
I don't think any newly qualified midwife would ever say the job was easy, but add to it qualifying at the peak of the pandemic, plus the staffing issues, it's been harder than ever. I've been made to feel guilty so many times about the lack of staff, and I have gone out of my way to work overtime and pick up extra shifts. Of course, this isn't forced, but being emailed repeatedly, posts on facebook constantly and even phone calls or texts from NHSP last minute, it truly is hard to say no.
The collaboration for today couldn't have come at a better time and I am so excited to share that The Anti-Burnout Club is offering free membership for the rest of October as part of their campaign for better mental health. I am still awaiting a further code to promote but in the meantime, head to the website to get access to on-demand wellness courses, a supportive community and a monthly wellbeing calendar of challenges and lessons to keep you motivated.
Burnout is very much a topic I am passionate about. It's one of the topics I chose to share as part of my Welfare Wednesday series, but it's also something I included in a published journal article and continue to promote in the workplace. I have recently applied for a couple of further roles within my professional life where I hope to support colleagues in their wellness journal as well. I will defintely be taking advantage of the membership and sharing with friends too.
If you're anything like past-me me and say "I haven't got time", trust me when I say "you do". You have to make time for yourself now, to prevent detrimental effects on yourself in the future. Mental health is just as important as physical health, so focus on making small changes to protect it and built a stronger foundation to protect your future self.
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