Celebrating Easter, Mum's 60th and Storage Cupboards!
After taking a little bit of a break from picking up the camera, some days off and annual leave allowed me to feel comfortable making plans and staying busy.
Click here to watch the vlog or see below.
I actually decorated for Easter super early this year. I decorated just after getting back from Jamaica and I loved having all the little touches up. I actually shared a full post with all the details so be sure to see it here.
After having a bit of a down week, I started talking to an old high school friend again which was actually really nice and making plans. I decided to have a bit of a pamper day for my "would be" anniversary, which was a nice distraction. Sadly, the Lush bath bomb has massively stained my bath so I'm still slowly working on trying to get that sorted. Wish me luck!
I finally managed to organise a meet up with Sam, one of my old housemates. It was absolutely lovely to see her and catch up. We went out to one of her favourite cafes, called Fox Cafe and it was so delicious. It feels like a boutique cafe and the staff were so attentive.
I then had 3 night shifts before a week of annual leave. I had the poorest sleep ever, with just 2 hours sleep, before driving to Wakefield so my mum's 60th birthday weekend celebrations and the start of my annual leave. The weather was terrible on the way down, so I made it to the party with just 2 minutes to spare. I ended up going straight to the venue because it was such a long drive. It was at a function room of our local Italian. Mum had booked a DJ and a saxophone player and they had the best catering ever.
The next morning, I headed out to Newmillardam to meet up with some high school friends, Jess and Sophie. I can't even tell you how lovely it was to see them both. I've stayed in touch with Jess over the years but not so much Sophie. I hadn't actually seen either of them since (corrected from vlog as I remembered) I was 21 so almost 6 years ago... It felt like nothing had changed though and I loved every second. We had a lovely brunch at a new to me cafe called Lakeside. Then I had a quick stroll round Newmillardam before heading back to the farm.
From there, we headed for a dog walk around a local reservoir that I'd actually never been to before. Floki is a little terror at the moment and reacts so badly to other dogs. He keeps growling and snarling. He's even started foaming at the mouth! Mum has apparently got a trainer for him but so far, it doesn't seem to be working very well.
Regardless, I still love the pair of them and having snuggles with them is amazing. I so wish I could get a dog. I love the relationship with pets and being able to have snuggles and a friend to go on walks with, but I just can't have one by myself. It's not fair on the dog to be left alone for such a large portion of the day. Whilst it's only 2 or 3 shifts a week, it's still a long 14 hours minimum.
The morning felt a little rushed but I headed to the restaurant to decorate a little in advance. I'd organised for a nice family meal for a Sunday roast. I couldn't be more happy.
The staff were so accommodating, the food was delicious and the company was great.
Everyone ended up coming back to the farm for coffees and more presents. Jess had kept stealing the baby but I ended up grabbing him and not letting go! It was the best. We also finally got some cute pictures together as a family.
To end the night, we went in the hot and enjoyed chilling and talking. I always love how my hair looks in the hours after curling it. This is my dream style but if I was to curl it like this initially, it would fall out in seconds unfortunately.
I ended up staying in Wakefield a little later than expected as my mum had gone away on holiday and my grandma wasn't doing too well. I took the dogs for a sunset walk which was lovely and to see all the baby calves were so cute.
Finally, to finish the weekly vlog, my dad came over for 24 hours and we tag teamed to finish my storage cupboards and put up some new artwork around the house. I've shared the new decor here, and I will share the cupboard DIY this Friday too!
The next morning, I headed out to Newmillardam to meet up with some high school friends, Jess and Sophie. I can't even tell you how lovely it was to see them both. I've stayed in touch with Jess over the years but not so much Sophie. I hadn't actually seen either of them since (corrected from vlog as I remembered) I was 21 so almost 6 years ago... It felt like nothing had changed though and I loved every second. We had a lovely brunch at a new to me cafe called Lakeside. Then I had a quick stroll round Newmillardam before heading back to the farm.
From there, we headed for a dog walk around a local reservoir that I'd actually never been to before. Floki is a little terror at the moment and reacts so badly to other dogs. He keeps growling and snarling. He's even started foaming at the mouth! Mum has apparently got a trainer for him but so far, it doesn't seem to be working very well.
Regardless, I still love the pair of them and having snuggles with them is amazing. I so wish I could get a dog. I love the relationship with pets and being able to have snuggles and a friend to go on walks with, but I just can't have one by myself. It's not fair on the dog to be left alone for such a large portion of the day. Whilst it's only 2 or 3 shifts a week, it's still a long 14 hours minimum.
In the evening, I headed out for tea with another high school friend, Alice. We've met up regularly over the years but it's been a few months. As we were about to leave, my sister was also meeting friends in the same area which was so funny, so she ended up driving. She went to see a film at the cinema and I was surprised she finished almost 20 minutes earlier than us.
The next day was mum's actual birthday. She was so spoilt and got so many presents and treats. She got some lovely bits, as well as lots of flowers and lots of alcohol. The morning felt a little rushed but I headed to the restaurant to decorate a little in advance. I'd organised for a nice family meal for a Sunday roast. I couldn't be more happy.
The staff were so accommodating, the food was delicious and the company was great.
Everyone ended up coming back to the farm for coffees and more presents. Jess had kept stealing the baby but I ended up grabbing him and not letting go! It was the best. We also finally got some cute pictures together as a family.
To end the night, we went in the hot and enjoyed chilling and talking. I always love how my hair looks in the hours after curling it. This is my dream style but if I was to curl it like this initially, it would fall out in seconds unfortunately.
I ended up staying in Wakefield a little later than expected as my mum had gone away on holiday and my grandma wasn't doing too well. I took the dogs for a sunset walk which was lovely and to see all the baby calves were so cute.
Finally, to finish the weekly vlog, my dad came over for 24 hours and we tag teamed to finish my storage cupboards and put up some new artwork around the house. I've shared the new decor here, and I will share the cupboard DIY this Friday too!
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