The weekend started off with a takeaway. Luke suggested going into town to eat, but a) it was a Friday night so would have been very busy and as you know, I don't like crowds and b) he wanted BarBurrito which I would never voluntarily eat in public! We ended up getting a takeaway and joked that I should have ordered because on the few occasions that Luke has ordered, it's either gone missing, had major bits not present or been overcharged. Well this time was no different, as he pub the wrong delivery address in! Luckily, it went to his old house from when he was a student, so he quickly ran down and then had to give the driver directions as they somewhat thankfully got lost. All was well, it arrived hot and tasty, and we devoured it whilst watching Homeland.
The next day, Luke went to archery whilst I had a relaxing morning. I suggested we go to the pub with friends afterwards and a couple of them we'd not seen for a long time. It was really nice to catch up and despite not going to the original venue we wanted to go to, the food was really yummy. I hadn't realised it was the England football match so of course all the proper pubs were fully booked, and I didn't want to risk showing up without a table, nor be around a group of rowdy drunk men.
I did invite everyone back to mine to watch the game afterwards, but a couple of them had plans so it ended up just being Harriet and David. It was actually really fun to watch and we won 4 - 0 which is obviously something I could get behind. I think I am genuinely very patriotic so whenever I'm rooting for a team...I very much am!
There was a little bit of a disaster on the way back from dropping them back at home, because it was dark and I somewhat ended up attacking or rather running into a hedgehog. At first I thought it was a thorn that I quickly picked out, but when I put my flashlight on, it was a hedgehog. I stumbled off it and then rolled it along the opposite foot. I really thought I'd hurt it though so I ran inside to ask Luke to come check. It seemed to be fine and first thing the next morning, we checked and it had gone.
I hadn't realised how much damage I'd done until the following day when I came out in hives, a swollen ankle and puncture marks but the majority got better by the end of the day. The scabs were still there for about a week but so far so good, and no signs of infections...despite what I read on the internet.
I've also been loving the garden recently. I am defintely not a gardener, and looking and watering are just about the extent of my abilities but raising all these little flowers from seeds is incredible! I fell in love with fuschias whilst in Wales recently, so when Luke went to the shops, he ended up finding a couple of cheap plants, which I've just planted too.
Another week at work, and more late finishes, but I have now started claiming overtime which I think is important and makes me feel much better about it all. I did feel really guilty on Thursday because I wanted / had to leave on time to get ready to meet my cousin. Everyone else was still working, but at 5 past, I slipped away to quickly have a shower, get dressed and do my makeup in the changing rooms. The shower was absolutely lovely, and I felt great as I headed out. I'd plaited my hair so I could have curls and the whole look came together as I let them out.
Emma and I ended up getting to Turtle Bay with perfect timing. We both arrived at literally the same time, and although the music was a little loud, the food was really yummy, although we did end up swapping main courses. It was so lovely to catch up. It was the first time we'd seen each other since the wedding and so we caught up on life, honeymoons and family announcements. I love her.
The next weekend was a little disappointing. My friend was originally meant to be coming down from London. I got food in, had it written in the diary and really was so excited to spend the weekend together, but for some reason, she thought it was off. I still made the most of the weekend, just slightly more chilled.
Luke came over on Friday night, and after both going shopping, we had mac n cheese, then played some online games with some of his friends. It was a little odd, but one of them especially was hilarious and it was a great way to pass the time. The next day, Luke had archery in the morning, whilst I did some life admin, tidied the house and got myself ready. We then went shopping and although we pretty much only bought pizza and alcohol for a last minute Euro 2020 finals party, it was nice to get out of the house and I've found some great things to buy when I get my card back soon. I didn't see anything in Home Sense or Pets at Home, but I did find some great bits in Ultimate Outdoor. Luckily, I get a discount with them so will be heading back next week!
Finally, on Sunday, Luke had an all day outdoor archery competition. He ended up coming second, which he said was disappointing, but as usual, I'm proud of him. Harriet ended up with two gold medals for team and individual which was amazing! I on the other hand, picked up an extra 9 - 5pm shift at the hospital for double pay. I've been wanting to go in for a while but the available shifts just hadn't lined up, but it was nice to get the reminder and confidence in my skills.
Then it was time for the finals. I got back about an hour before the others, so I prepared the sweet, savoury and healthy platters, before laying out the rest ready for pizzas later. The food seemed to be a success, and nearly all of it went. I was so excited for the red and white red velvet cake but it just tasted burnt. Not nice. Of course, the game itself was exciting, nervewracking and heart-breaking, but nevertheless...proud.
What a week! Back to work for 4 more days of 9-5 (hopefully no late finishes!) and then I'm heading to my mum's house for the weekend, to go to the Great Yorkshire Show and I am so excited.
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