New Year, Let's Hit It!
I have really enjoyed blogging in my downtime recently, probably more than I ever hard. There has been times over the years where I have struggled to stay on top of everything going on in life, but since finishing university and likely because of the lockdown situation, I have a lot of free time. I also have a lot to say...whether that's a good or a bad thing.
January is always an exciting month. It's a time for new beginnings, fresh starts and clean slates. Any more cliches I can throw in there? I apologise...but it's true. I think this year more than ever, the possibilities for 2021 are endless.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, despite not wanting to focus on Covid-19, the reality is, it's changed the world and how we see it. I think for the vast majority of the public, that's for the better, as we focus less on the little things and more on what's really important in life. It's also given us hope and optimism for the future. I had a little look at the chosen Pantone colours of the year, and one of them is a bright yellow. I loved everything it stood for and wanted to share: the light at the end of the tunnel, the sun rising over a dark landscape, and the the dawning of hope that comes with the possibility of a vaccine. Here, here!
So with that being said, January is always a busy month, especially in terms of blogger content. It's got reflections of the previous year, new years resolutions and this year, it's also got the last part of my journey as a student midwife and starting my first ever job as a qualified one. It's jam-packed full and I was really trying to space out content whilst keeping it relevant in terms of timing. I was getting frustrated and limiting my creativity so I thought, stop, I didn't do "Blogmas" this year - I am sorry for those who wanted it, the reality is, the start of the month especially was so busy for me! - so let's post daily in January instead.
Who's with me? Be excited. This month also celebrates a huge milestone and I cannot wait. New year, let's hit it!
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