#FabNightIn with Louise Pentland, Lindsey Kelk and Paige Toon!
I had so much fun at a book signing event last week! Louise Pentland, Lindsey Kelk and Paige Toon united together at The Stables at Proud Camden. Thanks to Fabulous Magazine, I had an amazing night out celebrating some incredible authors in one of the most organised events I've ever been too!
Click here to watch the vlog and hear the author answering some questions, or see below.
When I arrived at the event, I was greeted by a lovely team of people who took pictures on arrival and welcomed everyone with a choice of champagne, orange juice or a fizzy cordial. It was all very glamourous with champagne flutes and even a photographer snapping pictures!
We were quickly taken into a room with the stage and red chairs, to be seated ready for the question and answer section. As we all waited, canapes were brought around the room thanks to the very attentive staff who were always on hand and offering. There was an incredible array of choices and I heard nothing but sounds of yumminess throughout.
As the Q+A sessions began, it really felt like a truly intimate and private occasion. I really liked the size of the audience and how the whole session ran. It gave it more of a personal feel and no one was rushed in the slightest. Each of the speakers were allowed to contribute as much or as little as they wanted and I loved that they each got to speak their mind. It was actually interesting to see the banter and connection between the authors. It's nice to see the authors interacting with each other, in their author community.
I think Louise defintely spoke the most but I think that's mainly to do with her job as a whole. Where she found silence, she filled it with laughter and humour. Lindsey is very obviously a pro thanks to her years of experience. She seemed to be a complete natural but I can only imagine that it is down to years of practice. Paige on the other hand, seemed much quieter than the others. Honestly, she was the author I felt the most connected to. I feel like she spoke when she needed to and I really appreciated her letting the other, louder and more vocal two, speak their minds before joining in with something witty and sensible.
Despite the majority of feedback I've hear, I wasn't really a fan of the speaker who asked the questions. I can't help but feel she had very long winded questions that could have been worded much better in a shorter period of time. I think that would have allowed for more questions from the audience that were actually more interesting and insightful.
Obviously no fault of hers, but I hated the woman who asked the last question. She singled out Lindsey and after stating the fact, she asked a rather ridiculous question plus forced her way onto the stage to give a gift! I don't really know why she had to give her gift and single out Lindsey in the Q+A session when there was going to be a meet and greet afterwards where she could have done in privately. I actually thought it was really rude and inappropriate. Perhaps the speaker could have moved her on quickly from that point and said she could give the present during the meet up section of the event. Either way, I wasn't a fan.
Paige is seriously the sweetest person. I got that impression immediately from her answers in the question session. She seems very laid back and relaxed about life in general. I loved her answers and her story into becoming a published author. I even loved hat she said about social media; I truly appreciate that she takes the time out of her day to reply to everyone despite the pressure it puts herself under. Above all, she looked absolutely stunning in her navy blue dress...wow!
Finally, I got to meet Lindsey. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief during the Q+A when she confirmed her latest novel, I Heart Forever, was not going to be the last in one of my all time favourite series!
She defintely had the longest and slowest queue as everyone seemed to get fairly personal with her. When it finally got to my turn, we quickly bonded of the shared love of her skirt...which turns out is a dress! Say what?!
In the end, I felt I had to tell her, and almost thank her, for her writing. Lindsey's "I Heart" series was the series that drove me away from the teenager novels I was reading and into the young women's, more adult genre. She paved the way for so many of my favourites books and I love her for that. I will always have a special place in my heart for Angela and her story.
I'm still in absolute awe that the bar was free all night! I think my face was one of utter shock and amazement when I found out. I had thought it was just the welcome drinks that were and I didn't bring any money (by accident) so I really wish I'd discovered the fact earlier. Instead, I'd limited myself to just the one diet coke as I left it too late.
One of my favourite things was that each of the authors had their publisher's ready to take photos of us! I'm so used to either having to take a selfie or getting a terribly blurry picture in return, I sometimes fear handing my phone to a stranger but they turned out so nice! I love how my Bombshell LipSense almost sparkled in the lighting. I'm defintely thankful they turned on the lights so it wasn't a dark and dreary room.
Overall, I felt it was really well organised event and ran completely smoothly. I loved that it was super intimate and unrushed. It really was one of my favourite events that I've ever been to.
Click here to watch the vlog and hear the author answering some questions, or see below.
We were quickly taken into a room with the stage and red chairs, to be seated ready for the question and answer section. As we all waited, canapes were brought around the room thanks to the very attentive staff who were always on hand and offering. There was an incredible array of choices and I heard nothing but sounds of yumminess throughout.
As the Q+A sessions began, it really felt like a truly intimate and private occasion. I really liked the size of the audience and how the whole session ran. It gave it more of a personal feel and no one was rushed in the slightest. Each of the speakers were allowed to contribute as much or as little as they wanted and I loved that they each got to speak their mind. It was actually interesting to see the banter and connection between the authors. It's nice to see the authors interacting with each other, in their author community.
I think Louise defintely spoke the most but I think that's mainly to do with her job as a whole. Where she found silence, she filled it with laughter and humour. Lindsey is very obviously a pro thanks to her years of experience. She seemed to be a complete natural but I can only imagine that it is down to years of practice. Paige on the other hand, seemed much quieter than the others. Honestly, she was the author I felt the most connected to. I feel like she spoke when she needed to and I really appreciated her letting the other, louder and more vocal two, speak their minds before joining in with something witty and sensible.
Despite the majority of feedback I've hear, I wasn't really a fan of the speaker who asked the questions. I can't help but feel she had very long winded questions that could have been worded much better in a shorter period of time. I think that would have allowed for more questions from the audience that were actually more interesting and insightful.
Obviously no fault of hers, but I hated the woman who asked the last question. She singled out Lindsey and after stating the fact, she asked a rather ridiculous question plus forced her way onto the stage to give a gift! I don't really know why she had to give her gift and single out Lindsey in the Q+A session when there was going to be a meet and greet afterwards where she could have done in privately. I actually thought it was really rude and inappropriate. Perhaps the speaker could have moved her on quickly from that point and said she could give the present during the meet up section of the event. Either way, I wasn't a fan.
We then had a quick break while the authors re-gathered themselves from so much talking. A few more canapes were distributed and the bar was reopened for refreshments, before we started queuing to get in to see the individual authors. While the queue wasn't the fastest, I really appreciated the fact that no one was rushed in meeting and interacting with the authors. I loved that I could spend all the time I wanted to with each of them. Even though I didn't want to take up too much of the time, I do feel I had ample time to speak to them all on a one-on-one level without feeling rushed.
First up for me was Louise Pentland. After following Louise for years on YouTube and meeting her at two separate events of hers - Louise LIVE! and a Simply Be collection clothing launch - she's published her first novel, Wilde Like Me
. She has previously written another book but that was more of an interactive autobiography called Life with a Sprinkle of Glitter.
Thinking about it now, I kind of think I came across as quite rude to begin with. I went wearing the cat cami from her clothing collection - one of my favourites! I genuinely thought her editor was joking when she said she didn't know so being totally sarcastic, I joined in. But then I realised she really didn't and I terrible!
First off, I had to apologise for not bringing her book but I did actually buy a signed copy and it was at the farm so I didn't feel it was too important to get personalised, having to pay for shipping. I complimented her on her newly pink hair! Whenever I picture Louise, I always picture her with a fun hair colour so it was lovely to see it just done. For some reason I thought the picture made it look much more of a brighter pink.
Then I congratulated her on her pregnancy and said that I had to remind myself to not touch the bump as I knew she didnt like it. It was somewhat of a funny story as she explained if any stranger did, she would touch their boobs in return. It's the same thing, right?
Then I joined back in Paige's queue. Having only heard of her a few weeks over, I hadn't read any of her books until recently. I then read 2 of them in the past two weeks so when I bought The Last Piece of My Heart, I was super excited!Paige is seriously the sweetest person. I got that impression immediately from her answers in the question session. She seems very laid back and relaxed about life in general. I loved her answers and her story into becoming a published author. I even loved hat she said about social media; I truly appreciate that she takes the time out of her day to reply to everyone despite the pressure it puts herself under. Above all, she looked absolutely stunning in her navy blue dress...wow!
Finally, I got to meet Lindsey. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief during the Q+A when she confirmed her latest novel, I Heart Forever, was not going to be the last in one of my all time favourite series!
She defintely had the longest and slowest queue as everyone seemed to get fairly personal with her. When it finally got to my turn, we quickly bonded of the shared love of her skirt...which turns out is a dress! Say what?!
In the end, I felt I had to tell her, and almost thank her, for her writing. Lindsey's "I Heart" series was the series that drove me away from the teenager novels I was reading and into the young women's, more adult genre. She paved the way for so many of my favourites books and I love her for that. I will always have a special place in my heart for Angela and her story.
I'm still in absolute awe that the bar was free all night! I think my face was one of utter shock and amazement when I found out. I had thought it was just the welcome drinks that were and I didn't bring any money (by accident) so I really wish I'd discovered the fact earlier. Instead, I'd limited myself to just the one diet coke as I left it too late.
One of my favourite things was that each of the authors had their publisher's ready to take photos of us! I'm so used to either having to take a selfie or getting a terribly blurry picture in return, I sometimes fear handing my phone to a stranger but they turned out so nice! I love how my Bombshell LipSense almost sparkled in the lighting. I'm defintely thankful they turned on the lights so it wasn't a dark and dreary room.
Overall, I felt it was really well organised event and ran completely smoothly. I loved that it was super intimate and unrushed. It really was one of my favourite events that I've ever been to.
Meeting my idols is always amazing!