Downtime with Friends and Wedding Fayres!
After finishing my tutoring job last week, I finally had time to actually do things with my family and friends! Lots of meals out (too many!) and enjoying spending time with those I love.
Click here for the vlog or watch it below!
Starting the week with a little casual baby sitting meant I got to spend some time with one of my biggest fans. I got out my craft box and started to be a little creative with butterfly's and homemade handbags.
Alice is one of my best friends from high school and I absolutely love her! I've been super busy tutoring recently and she's had a broken arm (x2!) so hasn't been driving, hence we haven't really gotten together since I've been back in Yorkshire. But we finally decided to get together, not once but twice.Trinity Walk, the local shopping centre, decided to host a fun and free student night so I decided to go and Alice gladly tagged along. We headed for a meal at Pizza Express before shopping, getting freebies and lots of entertainment.
The next day was our other friend, Maria's, birthday. I was so glad we could all celebrate it together. We headed for a quick lunch at Qubana which ended up being a little bit of a fail. Traffic, public transport and parking problems meant I was waiting alone for almost 30 minutes. Nevertheless, it was super yummy and nice to catch up.
It ended up finishing a little earlier than I expected as well, so of course the only thing to do was to do more shopping. Oops.
As you may know, my mum is currently engaged and given how quickly everyone gets booked up, she's in full planning mode. We headed to a wedding fayre at a local venue and even though it's not THE venue, it is one we know very well. There were lots of decorations, competitions, freebies and inspirations.
Afterwards, we headed to visit some family that live nearby and then headed out for a late lunch/early tea at Chiquito's, a mexican. I got something I don't usually get and it was so yummy!
When we got back, Pele, my grandma's dog, was whimpering across the road and bless him, he was so lonely. He's not been alone ever but his playmate passed away last month and my grandma was on holiday so he was feeling a little down. I ended up going over and feeding him before mum and I took all three dogs on a quick walk. In the end, we also brought him back to the house for a few hours.
The sunset was so pretty that night!
I can't wait to use my bath bombs from Lush!