Motown the Musical (Review)

Through TodayTIX, I ended up getting cheap, on the day tickets for Motown the Musical. I had heard great things about the show and I wanted to spend my last week in London doing something that could only be done in London.

Click here to see the trailer and book tickets here.
Well..I was super excited to go and when arrived I had some great seats. I was about 4 rows back from the very front. At first I was a little worried it would be too close but it ended up being perfect! I felt like I was really involved with the cast and the show. I really enjoyed being able to see the little details on stage that you can't see being at a distance, but I also felt much more included with the attention and eye contact with the cast.

Having recently seen Dreamgirls the Muscial, I couldn't help but compare the two stories and there are defintely some differences. I did however really enjoy seeing a story that I was somewhat previously aware of. The rest of the play was a whole new idea and concept to me entirely. It was really interesting to see how the label came about and while I know that there was some poetic license in the story telling, it's at least somewhat based on fact. 
The whole show is very energetic and very much a party atmosphere. With lots of colourful scenes and clothing choices, it's very much captured the essence of the 1960s which I love. The dance scenes were perfectly choreographed and everyone was amazing.
I was however wowed by one person in particularly and that was the little boy who played Michael Jackson in the Jackson 5. It was interesting to see how they included the stars in the show and honestly, I was somewhat disappointed that they weren't in it more. I had originally wanted to see the show because it told their story and I love their songs, but they were actually in it very little.

Having said that, when they were....I was amazed. The little boy, was incredible. He was without a doubt, the star of the show and a true talent. Such confidence and power in both his moves and his voice. I felt very proud to be able to see him perform and in a way, I think that's how it must have been with the real Michael Jackson. Just his presence, at such a young age, must have stopped people in their tracks.
At times, I did get a little confused with the story. Due to the epic nature of the script and the story, there were many characters and people involved. I'm assuming it was a decision made to keep costs down, but a lot of the different characters are played by the same cast members so there were times when I was utterly disorientated. I think I eventually got the hang of it, but it was defintely a slight annoyance and I missed some of the scenes in terms of understanding because of it. 

The lead singer was the other stand out star for me. She played Diana Ross and while I know some of her songs - I quickly learnt - I didn't know her. I'm assuming she played the character that was Diana Ross but she was amazing. Her voice was beautiful but it was her simple nature and the way she excited the audience. I've never been to a West End that has asked for audience participation but it was amazing to watch her get the crowd singing. I was gobsmacked when a member of the audience went up to the stage and sang! Reminded me of Tape Face, almost. 
Overall, I think it was a very different type of West End show. It was very interactive, fun and if you like audience participation you will adore it. I felt a little out of place, not only being one of the youngest in attendance but also because I didn't know all the songs word for word.

Despite that, I still enjoyed it and I loved learning the history of Berry Gordy and the creation of his musical empire, Motown Records. The world will be forever grateful for his introduction of stars that changed the music industry forever.


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