Please Help Me...

Right now I am so sad and disappointed in myself. This is not the post that was meant to go up today. Unfortunately, a couple of days ago I made a big change to my blog's commenting system.

I now have almost 500 posts and I love to reply to every single comment I receive. Up until now, I've had to individually scroll through all my posts to see if any of them have new comments. I tended to do this once a week but obviously it was time consuming and above anything, I'm sure I've missed some people out.

I made the change to turn comment notifications on, but to do this, I had to remove Google Comments from my blog. At the time, I was fine with this. I knew I would loose a few comments but what I didn't expect was to have every single comment deleted.

I've tried everything to get them back but to no avail. I'm so sad because the last few months, after much hard work, I've finally started to get some great quality feedback and interaction on my posts. Now they are all gone and I can't get them back.

I love the new layout of the commenting system and I love how easy it is for everyone to comment by whichever account they want to. Above all, I love that I get a notification every time one of you lovely people comment anything. I will never ever miss a comment again; how perfect!

So this post is the post I never wanted to write, nor did I ever think I would, but I'm asking for each of you who reads this to try and comment on some of my older posts. Whether you just have time to post on one, or if you could comment on a handful. Either way, I will be beyond grateful!

Here's hoping this is the last big blogging mistake I ever make.

Please comment away. I look forward to all the notifications and thank you.

Yours gratefully, Hannah.


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