World Mental Health Day

I couldn’t let today pass without a dedicated post to something that has become a huge part of my life, especially this year. 

Today is World Mental Health Day. Whilst I wish I could say that the last year has been a journey to happiness, I can’t. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions and pain, but still…I try, I’m here and I’ll keep fighting. 

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" - Professor Dumbledore, Harry Potter


Taken from 

World Mental Health Day (10 Oct) is a day to talk about mental health and show everyone that mental health matters. It’s also a day to let people know that it’s okay to ask for help, no matter what you’re going through. 

As the theme of World Mental Health Day highlights, ‘mental health is a universal human right’. That’s why at Mental Health Foundation, we’re dedicated to addressing the inequalities in mental health and working towards good mental health for all, not just for some. 
